Roles & permissions

Discover what is meant by the "collaboration" term in our solution & the ways you can work together within the app

Karolina Pavlova avatar
Written by Karolina Pavlova
Updated over a week ago


Kreo 2D Takeoff offers simple collaboration possibilities so that you don't need any other app or messenger for comfortable working with your team on a single project.

In our product, you're able to:

  • Invite colleagues to your company & projects

  • Work together on a single project

  • Share the work you're doing with your colleagues

  • Leave comments, notes and suggestions right in the app

  • Trace all the changes made inside the project & users responsible for doing them

  • Check any change your colleague is performing

  • Present the work you've done to your supervisors & clients

Roles & permissions

There're 3 roles available in our app:

  • Administrator is an employee who has all the permissions possible. However, there's no limit on the number of administrators for a particular company.

  • Editor is an employee who has all the permissions except for inviting employees & guests to the company.

  • Guest / Viewer is a person who is able to only view the drawings and spreadsheet, as well as to see all the work done there. We assume that the Guest role is a perfect fit for your clients and supervisors.

πŸ“ Note!

You have to pay for all the administrator & editor seats, while guest seats are totally free and unlimited.

Study this article to learn how to invite users to your company.

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