Net Area:
Area of the largest surface of an object, excluding voids.
Double Net Area:
Calculated as “Net Area * 2”.
Gross Area:
Area of the largest surface of an object, including voids.
Double Gross Area:
Calculated as “Gross Area * 2”.
Net Side Surface Area:
Side surface area of an object, excluding voids on the sides.
Gross Side Surface Area:
Side surface area of an object, including voids on the sides.
Outer Surface Area:
Total area of a object, excluding voids and end faces (horizontal faces for a column and 2 minimal vertical faces for a beam).
Outer Surface Area Without Top:
Total surface area of an object, excluding top and end faces.
Min Double Face Area:
Double area of the smallest surface of an object, including voids.
Mid Double Face Area:
Double area of the medium surface of an object, including voids.
Max Double Face Area:
Double area of the largest surface of an object, including voids.
Net Top Area:
Area of the top surface of an object, excluding voids.
Net Bottom Area:
Area of the bottom surface of an object, excluding voids.
Gross Volume:
Gross Volume for concrete beams (before cutting the volumes of an adjacent slab and adjacent columns from a beam, often used to calculate the weight of reinforcement bars).
Net Volume:
Volume of an object, excluding voids.
The largest linear dimension of an object.
Projection Length:
Plain projection of the linear length of an object.
Steps Length:
The total length of all steps of the stairs.
Total Perimeter:
Perimeter of the horizontal section of the wall or the floor, including perimeter of inner voids (suited for slanted objects too).
Outer Perimeter:
Perimeter of the horizontal section of the wall or the floor (suited for slanted objects too).
Perimeter Without Doors:
Perimeter which is calculated in the same way as "Outer Perimeter", subtracting the width of the doorway. Can only be calculated in locations.
Number of objects with the same properties in a model.